We welcome you to experience and try our products. Please confirm whether the goods are suitable before payment. If you really want a refund, please contact DUZAI first, and we will help you. If you have any questions, please cooperate with us to collect standardized information and help us confirm the problem. If it is our company's responsibility, once we review the item, we will resend it for free replacement. We will promptly respond to your request at our expense. Gold and other precious metals products, customized products, due to the high value of the products, we do not accept the replacement, thank you for your support to our work.
► Cancellaions
Our team works hard to ensure that you have your jewelry out in a timely fashion so we start the creation process immediately after placing the order. If you need to cancel the transaction, feel free to contact us within 24 hours upon purchasing.
► Adjustment
If you did not order the correct size or your jewelry doesn’t fit, we do offer a resizing or adjustment service, an additional fee might be appliaed. You can contact us via WhatsApp on the website.
► Lost In The Mail
If your package states "delivered" and you have not received it, please email us and we will start the remaking process for your order.
► About the maintenance
As we have not set up a local warehouse in UAE/Saudi Arabia or Kuwait at present, we cannot provide you with maintenance services for the time being, but we will provide you with relevant maintenance services when we set up a local warehouse in the future. Please note that repair charges will be charged for non-quality problems.