What are the advantages of lab-grown gems
Oct 6, 2021
Gems are rare in nature. So they're expensive, and they're out of reach of many people, and they produce too little to keep up with the growing demand.
As a result, people used artificial methods to make gems. The earliest artificial stones were glass, which existed thousands of years ago. In the 20th century, a variety of gems, such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds and so on, were produced that are exactly the same as natural products.
For instance the product of strange of Swarovski, it is man-made gem more, no matter be title is "crystal" still be "gem", it is glass actually, win with modelling, nature is by no means natural gem. And artificial ruby, sapphire, its property and structure follow natural complete same. Artificial amber has the same texture as natural amber, except for the addition of time. From the point of view of pure beauty, the visual effect of artificial gems is by no means inferior to that of natural gems.
The quality of artificial stones can be controlled, their color, transparency and so on are very good, and artificial products can be mass-produced, cheap, easy to accept for the majority of customers. Therefore, artificial gems play an important role in the jewelry market.
Today, almost any kind of natural gem can be made artificially, but it is doubtful whether it will ever be sold on the market, because people will buy it only if it is much cheaper than a natural gem of the same appearance. Some artificial stones now cost more to produce than natural stones, so it is impossible for them to be sold on the market.